PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY MALIBU CAMPUS CONDOMINIUMS PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES GOVERNING ALLOCATION OF UNIVERSITY HOUSING Pepperdine University recognizes the challenge of securing affordable housing in the local inflation-prone real estate market. The University is dedicated to finding ways to offer affordable housing available to our faculty and staff. Housing units located on the Malibu campus are a critical institutional resource that provides campus housing for Pepperdine employees. These units are insufficient to meet demand, and will be allocated according to the principles and practices defined in this document. The principles defined here specifically address allocation of housing units in the Campus View (located on Baxter Drive) and Campus View II (located on the Drescher Campus) areas of the Malibu campus. Applications for housing will be submitted electronically to Real Estate Operations through its webpage, and will be maintained by date of submission with any associated letters of recommendation. Letters of support may be provided by community members and added to the application materials managed by Real Estate Operations. Deans and Vice Presidents are typically asked by candidates to write a letter of support for faculty or staff requesting housing on campus. The materials will be available for distribution to the University Housing Committee (UHC) and the President. Meetings of the housing committee will typically be held 2-3 times annually, in response to housing availability and incoming applications. The Provost will call meetings, and will coordinate with Real Estate Operations for scheduling and the provision of materials for meetings. Prior to meetings of the UHC, deans and vice presidents will be asked to note their allocation priorities from the list of applicants in their area, highlighting the key criteria for prioritization from the institutional priorities listed at the conclusion of this document. At the conclusion of committee review of materials and production of a prioritized list of housing recommendations, the committee will notify the University president of their priorities and actions. Once a unit is assigned, the faculty or staff member engages with Real Estate Operations to complete the transaction approval processes. Housing assignments are not final until financial qualification has been confirmed. Voting members of the UHC include; 1) the Provost, 2) Chief Operations Officer, 3) Vice Provost or other Provost designee, 4) Chief Business Officer, and 5) Chief of Staff/VP or other Presidential designee. The Pepperdine General Counsel will serve as an ex officio committee member. Principles and Procedures The following principles are to be applied in assessing and in making recommendations regarding the of units: Campus housing opportunities are prioritized for full-time employees of the University, whose primary responsibility and assignment are at the Malibu campus, and who fit into some of the following groups: Category A: * University instructional faculty teaching full-time in a program located on the Malibu campus. * Deans and administrative staff of the rank of vice president or above. * Administrative staff who, in the judgment of the University, are filling key roles in student or campus services, outside of normal working hours, at the Malibu campus. * Administrative staff whose presence on the Malibu campus is, in the judgment of the University, necessary for the purposes of advancement meetings or entertainment. * The University Church of Christ may qualify to purchase appropriate housing for the express use of its minister(s) employed to serve the campus community. Category B. All other full-time employees of Pepperdine University. Prioritizing Considerations for Housing Allocation: 1. A high priority is to find housing for incoming junior faculty, new tenure-track faculty, and new administrative staff who are being recruited by the University for service on the Malibu campus. Priority is given to those whose recruitment is deemed by the deans and vice presidents to be critical to the success of their respective schools and units. 2. Faculty and staff who exhibit a high degree of commitment to spiritual life activities on the Malibu campus, and/or who support the campus church community will receive greater consideration. 3. Increased priority will be given to faculty and staff whose professional assignments require close proximity to university facilities for scholarly work, or whose engagement with campus activities extends to evening/weekend hours. 4. Special consideration is also given to meeting the housing needs of key faculty members and administrative staff the University is trying to retain. 5. Tenure-track faculty with terminal degrees may receive a higher priority than those who are not tenure track or who do not hold terminal degrees. 6. Faculty/staff who already own residences near the University may receive a lower priority than other faculty when they apply for University housing. 7. Longevity of service to the University or length of time on the waitlist are not primary factors in determining allocations. Time on the waitlist, however, will be considered as a secondary factor. Other Guidelines: 1. Purchase of a campus housing unit requires the owner to abide by certain “Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions” (CC&R’s). These rules of ownership articulate the circumstances (e.g., divorce, separation, death of a spouse, termination of employment, etc.) which may require the owner to resell the unit to the University. For a copy of the CC&R’s, consult the University Real Estate Office. 2. Faculty and staff who purchase housing units must use them as their primary places of residence. Violations will require the sale of the unit back to the University. See “Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions” (CC&R’s). 3. The committee will attempt to maintain an approximate balance of 75% faculty and 25% staff/administration allocation for campus housing. The definition of faculty for this purpose includes all employees who hold a full-time faculty title, though they may also serve in administrative roles. 4. The University only honors housing assignments that have been approved by the UHC. Deans, vice presidents, divisional and department chairs are not allowed to promise University housing (and certainly not to guarantee units of a specific type or location) to current or prospective faculty or staff without prior written approval of the UHC. These principles and guidelines can be helpful in clarifying the University’s housing priorities. Those involved in the review and prioritization of applications should work to balance the competing needs of the various divisions, departments, and schools on the Malibu campus. The University Housing Committee may periodically review and revise the procedures and policies for allocating University housing in consultation with the President. 11/2023 Revision