I-20 Checklist



Complete the International Student Data (ISD) Form. Please refer to the "Cost of Attendance" table for tuition information and enter the amount you will incur in the first year. For Form I-20 purposes, estimate USD 2,500 per month for living and miscellaneous expenses, and USD 500 additionally per month for each dependent. NOTE: You must submit the ISD form electronically, separately from the rest of your documents.



If you have never attended a US institution on an F-1 visa, you do not have to submit this form.

Current F-1 students - If you are currently attending a school in the US or are on OPT/CPT, give this form to the Designated School Official (DSO) at your school. Your DSO will indicate on the form when your F-1 record may be released to Pepperdine University. Be sure to ask your DSO about the specific deadline by which your record must be released.

Former students - If you have previously attended a school in the US and your record is no longer active, please ask your DSO to provide information about your previous status on the SSV Form.

Complete the SEVIS Status Verification (SSV) Form.