The procedure for challenging a grade in a particular course is as follows:
A. Professor to Evaluate Student's Examination: It is the policy of the school that the person best able to evaluate the student's examination is the professor who taught the course. This policy is based upon the belief that evaluation is affected by participation in the course, by the course objectives, and by reference to the level of response of the class as a whole.
B. Student Challenge of Examination Grade: In the event that a student believes that the grade given on an examination is a grossly unfair assessment of the student's performance on the examination, the student shall first consult with the professor who assigned the grade unless the professor is unavailable.
C. Review of Challenged Grade by Academic Standards Committee: If, after discussion with such professor, the student still believes the grade given on an examination is a grossly unfair assessment of the student's performance on the examination, the student may submit a timely petition to the Dean challenging that particular grade and stating fully the bases upon which relief is sought. Such petitions will, unless impracticable, be referred to the Academic Standards Committee for evaluation andrecommendation. If the professor in question is a member of the committee, the remaining members of the committee shall decide the issue. In those instances where referral to the Academic Standards Committee is impractical, the Chairman of theCommittee or the Dean may act upon the petition. No petition for re-evaluation will be considered after the time limited for grade correction referred to in Section 6.32.( For all examinations taken during the fall semester, any grade corrections must be made prior to the end of the following spring semester. For all examinations taken during the spring semester or summer session, any grade corrections must be made prior to the end of the following fall semester.)
D. Professor Submits Documentation to Committee: The reviewing party shall next contact the professor whose grade is being called into question and shall ask the professor to submit to the committee the examination in question along with an explanation of the grade given and any other information which may be pertinent to the committee's review.
E. Recommendation of Remedy to Dean: The committee shall consider the petition of the student, the examination, and all relevant information supplied by the professor and shall determine whether there was a gross abuse of grading discretion. The committee shall report its findings to the Dean. Only upon a finding of gross abuse of grading discretion will the committee recommend to the Dean that the grade be changed.
For any other grade-related policies, please consult the catalog.