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The Pennington Story

The Pennington Story
Nearene Campbell attended George Pepperdine College on the Los Angeles campus in 1949. A year later, she married Vanis Pennington, an ambitious young scholar intent on pursuing a career in medicine. Together they made the decision to relocate to Tennessee, which prevented Nearene from completing her studies at Pepperdine. Eventually the couple settled in Texas where Vanis practiced internal medicine for many years. Despite her brief time at Pepperdine, Nearene still feels a kinship with the school and its Christian mission. We are delighted that Nearene and Vanis, faithful members of the Church of Christ in Tyler, Texas, have blessed Seaver College with a generous gift in support of our undergraduate students. The Penningtons offer insight into their gift decision:

What life advice would you give to a Pepperdine student?
Take advantage of every opportunity on campus in preparation for a lifetime career and endeavor to form lifetime friendships.

What are the most important benefits to you from your CGA?
Helping Pepperdine University performing its mission of strengthening students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. At the same time it enables us to give financial aid to people we know to be in need.

How do you hope your gift will benefit the students at Seaver College?
Hopefully it will help enable them to develop the attributes of Christian living as described by the apostle Peter in II Peter 1: 5-7 while attending a Christ-centered institution.

On behalf of current students and future students of Pepperdine University, 'Thank you!' Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Continue the mission as envisioned by George Pepperdine. My present assessment of Pepperdine is that the school has maintained that same wonderful atmosphere which is most conducive to learning and which will only enhance the good reputation already earned.

Editors Note:

The Pennington's CGA will increase their income and help them to partially bypass capital gain tax on the sale of their stock. The charitable income-tax deduction begins in the year of the gift and may carryover for up to five additional years.
