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Pepperdine University

Student Comments


George Foreman and students

George Foreman and YCS Counselors

"It was an absolute honor to attend YCS. It has truly impacted me and has changed my life in more ways than I can explain. I came not knowing what to expect, I left blown away by all I learned and experienced."

La Reina High School student



"The YCS experience has changed my life and will forever be in my heart and mind. All the things I learned and all the friends I made is the experience I'll be sharing with my grandkids one day!"

Rancho Alamitos High School student

"My deepest gratitude and sincerest thanks for the mind-blowing seminar you made possible! From the amazing team of counselors to the inspiring motivational speakers, every moment of the week was life-altering. I was forever changed by YCS – changed for the better!"

Brea Olinda High School student

"On the first day of the Seminar we were told that our lives would be changed if we would let them be – the amazement came when realizing the extent and magnitude of this change. Your Seminar came to us at the best possible time, after junior year when we had just completed the most academically grueling year of our lives – and we were asking ourselves the question, what now? Now we have imperative dreams and goals that we know we will, and must, achieve – Now we feel valued and empowered. We realize that we will not be the ones to watch the world go by, we know that we will be the ones turning the clock!"

Dunn School student 

"I met so many inspiring people this week that have given me so much confidence in the future of our country."

Ojai Valley School student

"Everything about this Seminar is truly magical!"

Louisville High School student