Claremont Scholar to Visit Glazer Institute for Jewish Studies
Pepperdine’s Glazer Institute for Jewish Studies will host a talk about “Mesopotamia
and the Bible,” at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 12, in PLC 1125, Malibu Campus. The presenter
is Tammi Schneider who wears several hats at Claremont College: Schneider is the Religion Department
chair, dean of the School of Arts & Humanities, and religion professor.
Schneider teaches ancient Near Eastern History, literature, archaeology, religion, and women in the Hebrew Bible. Her research draws together the varied fields of archaeology, Assyriology and biblical studies in an effort to understand the ancient Near East, especially the interactions among various peoples.
Schneider received her doctorate in ancient history from the University of Pennsylvania. Her books include Judges in the Berit Olam series, Sarah: Mother of Nations, Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis, and An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Religion. She was editor for the ancient Near East section of the journal Religious Studies Review, Vice President of the American Schools of Oriental Research and edits the series People of the Ancient World for the Society of Biblical Literature. She has worked on numerous archaeological excavations in Israel and is presently the head of the educational program at the Tel Akko Excavations where she excavates every year with students from CGU and the Claremont Colleges.
For more information, please contact Drew Billings or visit the Glazer Institute website[BROKEN LINK].