Coyote Survival Despite Urban Expansion to be Explored at Pepperdine
“Ghost Dogs: Coyotes as Top Predators of the City,” is the topic of an event to be held from 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, at Pepperdine, Malibu campus.
Stan Gehrt, educator and wildlife specialist, will discuss how coyotes live among millions of people, how they move across the landscape while remaining largely hidden, and how they function as predators in the urban ecosystem. Following the lecture there will be a roundtable discussion and question and answer session with local wildlife experts regarding coyotes and other urban carnivores.
Gehrt is a certified wildlife biologist with a PhD in fisheries and wildlife from the University of Missouri. He is associate professor and Wildlife Extension specialist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio. Gehrt also serves as chair of the McGraw Center for Wildlife Research and Management, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, in Dundee, Illinois, where he develops and maintains a vigorous research program in mammalian ecology and urban wildlife management.
Pepperdine is hosting the event in conjunction with UCLA’s La Kretz Center for California
Conservation Science.
For more information, please contact Ross Canning at (310) 506-4501.