Graduate School of Education and Psychology Introduces Theory and Practice of Relationship Intelligence Certificate Program
Beginning on March 27, 2021, the Graduate School for Education and Psychology (GSEP)
will offer the Theory and Practice of Relationship Intelligence (RQ) certificate program,
a new training opportunity that will focus on the science and language of RQ, a career
as an RQ facilitator, and mastery as an RQ practitioner. Michael Patterson, GSEP adjunct
professor and author of the book Have a Nice Conflict: How to Find Success and Satisfaction in the Most Unlikely Places, will teach the program.
The program is sponsored by the Center for Global Partnership and Learning, a Pepperdine institution operated through guidance from the Office of the Associate Dean of Education at GSEP.
“Our overall goal is to provide students, faculty, staff, and any other stakeholders with opportunities to grow and develop as individuals and professionals,” explains Gabriella Miramontes, director of the Center for Global Partnership and Learning and GSEP visiting professor with expertise in the areas of, change management, leadership, and qualitative research. “In this new program, understanding and applying these tools can help our students better communicate, collaborate, and empathize with their colleagues in order to effect change in their respective fields.”