Pepperdine Choirs and Orchestra to Perform Christmas Concert

Students of the Pepperdine Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, and Orchestra will perform a selection of classic Christmas music on Thursday, December 1, at 7:30 PM. The performance will be held at Smothers Theatre and will be streamed live from Pepperdine for the convenience of patrons near and far.
Ryan Board, director of choral activities, and Long-Tao Tang, director of instrumental ensembles, will lead the choirs and orchestra, respectively. Choral performances will include renditions of Light Dawns on a Weary World, which will feature pianist Hiroyo Hatsuyama and Tang on piano; Away in a Manger; and Coventry Carol, which will feature student Yoona Lee on flute. Orchestral performances will feature Trittico Botticellian, an evocation of three celebrated paintings by Sandro Botticelli; O Holy Night, featuring soloist Maddy Sprague; and a rousing sing-a-long of classic holiday songs led by the conductor.
Visit the Center for the Arts website for more information about tickets and how to register to view the event Livestream.