Pepperdine Theatre Department to Present First-Year Showcase The Human Touch
The Seaver College Theatre Department will present the first-year showcase The Human Touch on the Zoom platform on Friday, September 18, at 7:30 PM PDT and on Saturday, September 19, at 2 PM PDT. The showcase will feature a series of monologues drawn from a wide variety of plays that allow the first-year theatre majors to unite around a common theme while working in an online, solo performance environment.
“The theme—'The Human Touch'—was born out of our current moment. With health and safety guidelines prohibiting us from engaging in nearly every kind of touch from shaking hands to handing over a credit card, or hugging a friend, or even kissing our grandparents on the cheek, we wanted to use this showcase to highlight monologues that remind us of the power of human connection,” explains showcase director Bradley Griffin, divisional dean and professor of theatre in the Fine Arts Division at Seaver College.
Given the unusual nature of the fall 2020 semester, faculty in the Seaver College Theatre Department created this showcase as a way to introduce their outstanding first-year theatre majors to the larger Pepperdine community of students, faculty, staff, and friends.
Registration is required. A viewing link will be sent to all registered attendees in advance of the performance. For additional information, visit the Center for the Arts website.