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Weisman Museum Hosts Talk on "Spiritual Themes in Contemporary Art"

A talk on the spiritual themes in contemporary art, presented by museum director Michael Zakian, will take place at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art at Pepperdine on Monday, November 16, at 6 PM.

While many believe that contemporary art consists of meaningless shapes and colors, this lecture will show that contemporary artists from the 1950s to the present—such as Andy Warhol, Mark Rothko, and Barnett Newman—worked in order to present their fervent wrestling with Christian themes. Warhol was a devout Christian, but veiled his imagery in order to hide his innermost feelings. Rothko was Jewish, but was fascinated by Judaic/Christian imagery. His glowing abstractions are an attempt to translate biblical truth into light. Newman was also Jewish, but was captivated by the story of Christ’s Passion. His late series of paintings translates the Stations of the Cross into a moving progression through the gallery space that allows the viewer to contemplate on Christ’s suffering.

For more information about this event, contact Michael Zakian at (310) 506-7257.