Love of Learning: The Motivation Behind Assessment
Pepperdine Magazine is the feature magazine for Pepperdine University and its growing community of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends.
Pepperdine University is preparing for its 10-year accreditation examination from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). On July 5, 2012, the University will submit its self-study, the Educational Effectiveness Report (EER). On September 26 through 28 we will host an onsite team from WASC that will investigate and confirm what we reported to them. The WASC team will meet with students, faculty, administrators, regents, and staff. The primary purpose of this visit will be to learn about the quality of the education at Pepperdine University.
Accreditation of colleges and universities in the United States serves the primary
purpose of ensuring to the public the quality of an educational degree. It ensures
that the institution met a set of standards for review established by WASC; these
include how the faculty met the qualifications, that the institution is financially
sound, that the facilities and programming meet the students’ needs, and that students
are actually learning. Most colleges and universities claim to be excellent institutions
of higher learning, but most often no attempt is made to prove this beyond reputation.
The self- study allows us to assemble evidence to demonstrate our excellence.
As the federal government became a major funder of higher education—even of private
education—the expectations have increased. Government leaders and the public in general
have demanded evidence of student learning. Changes in accreditation have been in
response to the 2006 report from the Spelling Commission stating that college students
are leaving college poorly prepared, and from Peter Ewell’s 2008 report “U.S. Accrediation
and the Future of Quality Assurance,” that higher education institutions are underperforming.
The current population of students attending colleges and universities has dramatically
changed. Just 100 years ago a college education was reserved for males in wealthy
families. Middle- and working-class families usually learned a trade as an apprentice.
The college population is extremely different now. Women outnumber men at most institutions,
and currently the fastest growing population of college students is coming from more
diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. The age range of students has also broadened
with many students returning to college as “nontraditional” students.
Meanwhile, since the economic crisis of 2008, middle-class families have had fewer
resources to finance their children’s education. Yet government funding (particularly
at the state level and in certain federal programs) has diminished as the cost of
tuition has risen. Doubts about higher education in general have been fueled further
by the bad behavior of certain for-profit institutions. All of this has resulted in
local and federal governments applying pressure for higher education institutions
to prove their worth and demonstrate to the public the benefit of investing such a
huge amount of money and time in a college degree.
This demand has been placed on all institutions, including those like Pepperdine,
which have truly been committed to providing students with an outstanding education.
The focus on assessment and accountability, I believe, provides the “Pepperdines”
of the world a chance to shine. We have taken advantage of this opportunity to share
with WASC and the greater community the ways in which we in fact do provide an excellent
education. Pepperdine has decided to embrace the call by investing time and resources
to measure what our students are learning and, where possible, to compare our results
to internal, national, and international standards. This is accomplished through assessment of learning.
Accreditors want specific data that backs up our claim that what we say students are
learning is actually happening. They want transparency and evidence. Pepperdine’s
office of Institutional Effectiveness with the Advancement of Student Learning Council
have spent the past two years working with faculty on ways to measure and report student
learning in preparation of our EER.
Assessment of student learning has been no easy task. It demands a great deal of time
from an already very busy faculty. However, our response has been to ask faculty not
to think about collecting evidence to report to WASC, but to think about collecting
evidence to improve student learning. I don’t think there is a faculty member at Pepperdine who is not interested in finding
ways to improve his or her teaching and to demonstrate that our students are learning.
Love of learning must be the motivation behind assessment.
What does student learning look like at Pepperdine University? It looks great! As
reported in our EER, the Pepperdine learning experience is rich in educationally effective
practices. we have reported on student learning at the graduate and undergraduate
levels. Our reports talk about our high-impact practices such as undergraduate research
experiences, writing across the curriculum, internships, and study abroad. We have
invested in measurements of student learning that involve sound methodologies and
utilize tools such as rubrics to measure learning. We have also set the expectation
across the institution that academic decisions must be based on evidence of student
learning and not anecdotal measures.
In conclusion, we have entered a new era of accountability in higher education. Citizens,
legislators, and parents want to know how well we are doing. They want specific data
that back up our claim that we are doing what we say we are doing. They want transparency
and evidence. We intend to supply it—in both quality and quantity. We believe that
we can present evidence that Pepperdine University is a serious, strong institution
of higher learning.
By Lisa Bortman
Assistant Provost for Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness