Associated Women for Pepperdine Announces Name Change to Pepperdine Legacy Partners
The Associated Women for Pepperdine (AWP) executive board has announced that it has
formally changed the organization’s name to Pepperdine Legacy Partners (PLP), a new
designation that reflects the ongoing collective efforts of both women and men partnering
together to continue George Pepperdine’s legacy of equipping students to live purposeful
Christian lives as servant-minded leaders throughout the world.
“Changing the name from Associated Women for Pepperdine to Pepperdine Legacy Partners was not a decision that was made lightly," said Lydia Folkerts, president of PLP. "The board sees this name change as one that reflects the heroes of our story, the students at Pepperdine; the deep legacies of George Pepperdine and Helen Young; and the partnership that we have with students, parents, donors, and members who make Pepperdine Legacy Partners the leading scholarship fundraising organization for Church of Christ students at Pepperdine University.”
The name change process began in January 2017 through a sub-committee appointed to explore a new identity for the organization while honoring its storied past and invigorating its vision for the future. The AWP board also updated the name of the scholarship recipients, the Helen Young Scholars, to honor the profound impact of its beloved founder.
Associated Women for Pepperdine was established in 1958 by former Pepperdine first lady Helen Young to raise funds to support the students of George Pepperdine College. Since that time, the organization has raised more than $4 million towards scholarships for students from Churches of Christ.
Over the last 60 years, the organization has enabled Church of Christ students at Pepperdine to enhance spiritual life on campus, strengthen connections to Churches of Christ, and serve local and global communities. Its mission is to financially and spiritually support students from Churches of Christ, equip them for faithful service, and encourage meaningful engagement in church throughout their lives.
To learn more, visit the Pepperdine Legacy Partners website.