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Howard A. White Award Recipients

This annual award honors the legacy of Pepperdine University's fifth president, Howard A. White, who was a gifted teacher, history scholar, and a faithful steward of the University throughout his 30 years of service to Pepperdine. The highest distinction given at Pepperdine for teaching, the Howard A. White Award recognizes outstanding educators who embody the institution's commitment to excellence. This award highlights the work of educators who inspire and challenge students to think critically and creatively as well as those who instill in their students a lifetime love of learning.

Awards are given in two categories: Category I is for full-time faculty members who have taught at Pepperdine for six or more years or have tenure. This award includes a $4,000 stipend. Category II is for full-time faculty members who have taught at Pepperdine for less than six years and are untenured. This award includes a $2,000 stipend. Awardees will receive a framed certificate and an engraved medal to commemorate their recognition as a Howard A. White award winner.

This year we are delighted to honor six faculty members in Category I and two faculty members in Category II. We also included excerpts from student nominations below to highlight the meaningful impact these faculty members make in the lives of their students.

2023 Category I Awardees

  Katherine Frye

Katie Frye

Katherine Frye, Assistant Professor of English, Seaver College

"Dr. Frye creates vivid thought-provoking discussions that help develop critical thinking. Her genuine care for every student's success makes her one of the best professors at Pepperdine."

  Pamela Harmell

Pamela Harmell

Pamela Harmell, Clinical Professor, Graduate School of Education and Psychology 

"Dr. Pamela Harmell truly cares about students. Her class has taught me ethics that I will not only carry into my professional work as a counselor, she has taught me lessons that I will carry into my business and personal life. Truly a game-changer."

  Virginia Green

Virginia Green

Virginia Green, Practitioner Of Applied Behavioral Science, Pepperdine Graziadio Business School 

"I am privileged to be her student and hope to emulate her leadership style as I go forward in my career."

  Thomas Stipanowich

Thomas Stipanowich

Thomas Stipanowich, William H. Webster Chair In Dispute Resolution, Professor Of Law Straus Institute, Caruso School of Law

"Professor Stipanowich opened the aperture of my mind to how mediation and arbitration can benefit people's lives versus going to court."

  Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith, Assistant Professor of Teaching Of English, Seaver College

"She facilitates healthy and beneficial conversations along with ensuring every student finds their voice. She is very deserving of this award  because of the spiritual role model she is for all those that meet her."

  Ahmed Taha

Ahmed Taha

Ahmed Taha, Professor Of Law, Caruso School Of Law

"Phenomenal professor - he took one of the hardest courses and taught it in a format that was conducive to all learners."

2023 Category II Awardees

  Gabriella Miramontes

Gabriella Miramontes

Gabriella Miramontes, Visiting Professor, Doctoral Programs; Director of Excellence & Innovation Practices (EIP), Director of Center for Global Partnerships and Learning, Graduate School of Education and Psychology

"Dr. Gabby’ ensures that students have the tools needed to excel in the program—and in life—by providing coaching and the right amount of push to propel us toward excellence."

  Alyssa Ong

Kfir Mordechay

Alyssa Ong, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Seaver College

"Dr. Ong is an amazing professor who cares about her students academically and personally. She fosters meaningful relationships with her students and wants to see them succeed in anything that they do."


Past Recipients

 2023 Honorees

Category One

Katherine Frye Seaver College
Pamela Harmell Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Virginia Green Graziadio Business School
Thomas Stipanowich Caruso School of Law
Lisa Smith Seaver College
Ahmed Taha Caruso School of Law

Category Two

Gabriella Miramontes Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Alyssa Ong Seaver College

 2022 Honorees

Category One

Elizabeth Boliek Caruso School of Law
Jennifer Harriger Seaver College
Charles Kerns Graziadio Business School
Stephen Kirnon Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Tim Lucas Seaver College
Barry McDonald Caruso School of Law

Category Two

Brian Link  Seaver College
Kfir Mordechay Graduate School of Education and Psychology

 2021 Honorees

Category One

Mark Allen Graziadio Business School
John D. Barton Seaver College
Richard L. Cupp Jr. Caruso School of Law
Kay Davis Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Chris Doran Seaver College
Zhike Lei Graziadio Business School

Category Two

Jillian Alderman Graziadio Business School
Klive (Soo Kwang) Oh Seaver College

 2020 Honorees

Category One

Gretchen Batcheller Seaver College
Anat Cohen Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Selina Katherine Farrell Caruso School of Law
John G. Mooney Graziadio Business School
Robert Pushaw, Jr. Caruso School of Law
Roslyn M. Satchel Seaver College

Category Two

Jennifer Miyake-Trapp Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Hunter Paris Seaver College


 2019 Honorees

Category One

Abraham Park Pepperdine Graziadio Business School
Carolyn Keatinge Graduate School of Education and Psychology
David Han School of Law
Stella Erbes Seaver College
Jane Rodeheffer Seaver College
Cooker Storm Seaver College

Category Two

Ebony Cain

Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Felicity Vabulas Seaver College

 2018 Honorees

Category One

Steve Davis

Seaver College

Shelly Harrell Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Susan Himelstein Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Derek Muller School of Law
Regan Schaffer Seaver College
Andreas Simon Graziadio Business School  

Category Two

Jennifer Smith Seaver College

 2017 Honorees

Category One

Owen Hall Jr. Graziadio School of Business and Managment
Jack McManus Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Victoria Schwartz School of Law
Ted McAllister School of Public Policy
James White  Seaver College
Theresa de los Santos Seaver College

Category Two

Natasha Thapar-Olmos Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Mary Holden Seaver College 

Statements of Teaching Philosophy by 2017 Recipients

 2016 Honorees

Category One

John Buckingham Graziadio School of Business and Managment
Doreen Shanahan Graziadio School of Business and Managment
Paul Sparks Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Grant Nelson School of Law
Dan Rodriguez Seaver College
Paul Contino Seaver College

Category Two

Robert Lee             Graziadio School of Business and Management
Jeff Schultz             Seaver College
Statements of Teaching Philosophy by 2016 Honorees

 2015 Honorees

Category One

Ken Ko Graziadio School of Business and Managment
June Schmieder-Ramirez Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Steven Schultz School of Law
Don Hancock Seaver College
Brian Newman Seaver College
Donna Nofziger Plank Seaver College

Category Two

Darren Good             Graziadio School of Business and Management
Ben Postlethwaite             Seaver College

Statements of Teaching Philosophy by 2015 Honorees

 2014 Honorees

Category One

David Levy Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Kristine Knaplund School of Law
James Prieger School of Public Policy
Gary Selby Seaver College
Cynthia Colburn Seaver College

Category Two

William Arnold Seaver College
Bernice Ledbetter Graziadio School of Business and Management

Statements of Teaching Philosophy by 2014 Honorees

 2013 Honorees

Category One

Dan Caldwell  Seaver College
Mark Chun Graziadio School of Business and Management
Paul Gift Graziadio School of Business and Management
Jeffrey L. Jasperse Seaver College
Farzin Madjidi Graduate School of Education and Psychology
James McGoldrick School of Law

Category Two

Raymond C. Carr   Seaver College
Larry Cox   Graziadio School of Business and Management

 2012 Honorees

Category One

Harry Caldwell School of Law
Michael Gose Seaver College
David Holmes Seaver College
Denis Lowe Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Linda Purrington Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Samuel Seaman Graziadio School of Business and Management

Category Two

Scott Miller         Seaver College
John Scully         Graziadio School of Business and Management

 2011 Honorees

Category One

Charla Griffy-Brown Graziadio School of Business and Management
Angela Hawken School of Public Policy
Barbara Ingram Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Robert Lloyd Seaver College
Linda Polin Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Robert Sexton Seaver College
Peter Wendel School of Law

Category Two

Naomi Goodno       School of Law
Maretno Harjoto       Graziadio School of Business and Managment
Mason Marshall       Seaver College

 2010 Honorees

Category One

Jeffrey A. Banks Seaver College
Margot Condon Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Robert G. Kaufman School of Public Policy
Peter R. Robinson School of Law
Sonia Sorrell Seaver College
Wayne L. Strom Graziadio School of Business and Management

Category Two

Anthony M. Collatos

Joe Hahn

Nathaniel Klemp

Graduate School of Education and Psychology

Graziadio School of Business and Management

Seaver College

 2009 Honorees

Category One

Cathy Thomas-Grant Seaver College
Victoria Myers Seaver College
Ann Feyerherm Graziadio School of Business and Management
Owen Hall Graziadio School of Business and Management
Joanne Hedgespeth Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Anthony Miller School of Law

Category Two

Caleb Clanton            Seaver College
Martine Jago            Graduate School of Education and Psychology

 2008 Honorees

Category One

Cindy Miller-Perrin Seaver College
Stan Warford Seaver College
Dave McMahon Graziadio School of Business and Management
Charles Morrissey Graziadio School of Business and Management
Joy Asamen Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Carol Chase School of Law
Kristine Knaplund School of Law

Category Two

Cynthia Colburn     Seaver College
Kathy Church     Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Steven Schultz     School of Law

 2007 Honorees

Category One

Jane Ganske Seaver College
Donald Marshall Seaver College
Steven Rouse Seaver College
Steven Ferraro Graziadio School of Business and Management
Drew Erhardt Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Reyna Garcia Ramos Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Gregory Ogden School of Law

Category Two

Christopher Heard       Seaver College
Karen Schnietz       Graziadio School of Business and Management
Michael Williams       Graziadio School of Business and Management

 2006 Honorees

Category One

Jay Brewster Seaver College
Tim Willis Seaver College
Larry Bumgardner Graziadio School of Business and Management
Jack Green Graziadio School of Business and Management
Ed Shanfranske Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Jim Gash School of Law
Bob Popovich School of Law

Category Two

Paul Contino Seaver College
Levon Goukasian Seaver College
Susan Hall Graduate School of Education and Psychology

 2005 Honorees

Category One

Priscilla MacRae Seaver College
Milton Pullen Seaver College
Christopher Soper Seaver College
Marshall Nickles Graziadio School of Business and Management
Farzin Madjidi Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Douglas Kmiec School of Law
Gordon Lloyd School of Public Policy

Category Two

Kendra Killpatrick   Seaver College
Regan Schaffer   Seaver College
Ariff Kachra   Graziadio School of Business and Management

 2004 Honorees

Category One

William Larson Graziadio School of Business and Management
Ted McAllister School of Public Policy
Marilyn Misch Seaver College
Robin Perrin Seaver College
Daryl Rowe Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Susan Salas Seaver College
Peter Wendel School of Law

Category Two

Chris Ellsasser Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Jeanne Heffernan Seaver College