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Academic Policies and Documents

This page contains policies, documents, and forms related to the academic governance of the University. Most are in PDF format and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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 General University Policies

 Policies and Forms Related to the University Tenure Process

  • University Tenure Policy
    The official University policy on faculty tenure. Additional information can be found in the Rank, Tenure and Promotion handbooks for each school.
  • Guide to the Tenure Review Process
    An overview of the University's tenure review process, including: eligibility, when to apply, and the steps in the review process.
  • Best Practices for Tenure and Promotion Review
    A list of recommendations intended to put applicants’ portfolios in the best possible light and to clarify expectations.
  • Tenure Application Forms
    The following forms are available for download during the current tenure process:

    Forms for graduate/professional school faculty:

 Policies Related to Faculty Research

 Policies and Documents Regarding Academic Courses and Programs


Policy for online and classroom recording.

 Other Academic and Provost Office Policies and Documents


 Faculty Handbook

School-specific Faculty Handbooks

While the University has policies and procedures for faculty and staff across the University, we also recognize the need for school-specific faculty handbooks that address topics and issues relevant to that particular school. These handbooks at times will require revision or updating. When revising or updating school-specific faculty handbooks, care should be taken not to develop policies or procedures that might misalign with University policies or procedures. In all cases, University policy and procedures take precedence over school-specific policies or procedures.

Further, best practices recommend that revisions or updates to faculty handbooks originate from the dean’s office of the school and then receive feedback and recommendations from the faculty before final modifications or revisions are incorporated into the updated faculty handbook. The procedures followed for recommending and implementing revisions should align with the shared governance document written by the University Faculty Council and approved by the University faculty on March 26, 2014. A review by Pepperdine general counsel is also advisable, prior to finalization and dissemination of any handbook revision.