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Emergency Info: Franklin Fire – Update #13 Updated at Dec. 11, 5:44 p.m.

Board of Regents

The Board of Regents is the legal governing body and chief policy board of the University. Life Regents are recognized and honored for their extraordinary service as past regents.


Dee Anna Smith ('86)

Terry M. Giles (JD '74)
Vice Chair

Frederick L. Ricker
Vice Chair

Timothy C. Phillips ('87)

Michelle R. Hiepler (JD '89)
Assistant Secretary

Alan Beard ('94, MPP '99)

Edwin L. Biggers

M. Brett Biggs

Sheila K. Bost

Charles L. Branch, Jr.

Dale A. Brown ('64)

Janice R. Brown

Jose A. Collazo (MBA '77)

Nancy M. De Liban

Shelle Ensio

James A. Gash (JD '93)

Seth A. Haye ('02)

Gail E. Hopkins ('66, MA '74)

Peter J. Johnson, Jr.

John D. Katch ('60)

Dennis S. Lewis ('65)

John T. Lewis ('83)

Kimberly J. Lindley

Faye W. McClure ('78)

Michael T. Okabayashi

T. Danny Phillips

John L. Plueger

James R. Porter

Harold R. Smethills

Rosa Mercado Spivey

Stephen M. Stewart

Augustus Tagliaferri (MBA '74)

Marta B. Tooma

Robert L. Walker (MA '66)

Jay S. Welker

Life Regents*

Joe R. Barnett

Lodwrick M. Cook

Jerry S. Cox

Glen A. Holden

Jerry E. Hudson

Eff W. Martin

Russell L. Ray, Jr.

Travis E. Reed

Susan F. Rice (EdD '86)

Carol Richards

B. Joseph Rokus ('76)

William W. Stevens, Jr.

Thomas J. Trimble

J. McDonald Williams


* Nonvoting Regents