Title IX Coordinator
The University's Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of Title IX compliance on campus. Employees should consult the Pepperdine University Policy Manual for more information regarding the University's sex discrimination, harassment, and assault policies, as well as applicable complaint procedures. Students should consult the catalog or handbook of their school. In addition to the reporting avenues described in the Policy Manual, catalogs, and handbooks, the Title IX Coordinator is available to receive complaints of sex discrimination, harassment, or assault.
Title IX Coordinator
For employees, students, guests, & contractors:
Dawn Emrich
Interim University Title IX Coordinator, Director of Title IX Case Management and
Prevention Education
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263
The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for the University's overall compliance with Title IX. For contact information for the Title IX Coordinator for Students, reporting resources, or to review the Sexual Misconduct Policy please visit the University's Title IX site.