Faculty Staff Services
SIS Retrieval Request Form Instructions
The SIS Retrieval Request Form, subsequently referred to in these instructions as simply the "Form," is used to request student information available in the Student Information System (SIS) via the Office of the University Registrar. Completed Forms are submitted at the Office of the University Registrar front counter for time-stamping and processing. When processing is completed, the Office of the University Registrar will advise the requester via phone that the output is available for pick-up by the requester.
If you want several outputs showing different students on different outputs, you should submit multiple Forms. The general rule is to use one Form for each group of students that you want to appear on the output(s); a "group of students" is specified using the Record Selection Criteria section of the Form. For example, if you want a List of all Seaver College students and a List of all potential grads, you should submit two Forms: one Form to request the List of all Seaver students and a second Form to request the List of potential grads. You may request as many different outputs as you want for a single group of students on one Form.
The instructions for preparing the Form are organized in sections that correspond to the major sections of the Form, except for the fields at the top of the Form which are listed and explained individually. A general description of each section is given, followed by a detailed definition/description of individual selectable or specifiable items/fields within that section.
Request Date: the date the requester is completing the Form.
Prior Program Used (if known): if this is a repeat of a prior request and you know what program was used in the past, please provide the program name in the space provided. When requests are completed, the Form is returned to you and the program(s) used by the request processor is entered in the "Program Used" field in the shaded "FOR PROCESSOR USE ONLY" area at the bottom of the Form. If you save the completed Forms, you will be able to provide the "program used" information for repeat requests.
Need Date: the date you need to have the requested information in order to do your work. Please do not leave this field blank or enter ASAP; either of these will delay processing. We request a standard two week lead time to guarantee processing of requests by the time requested; if you know of your need more than two weeks in advance, you may submit your request and it will be scheduled for completion as you desire. If you are requesting highly customized non-standard output, more than 2 weeks may be required.
Requester: the name of the permanent/full-time Pepperdine faculty or staff employee (not a student or student worker) who is making the request. This is the person who will be contacted when the request is completed and if there are any questions about processing the request. If the request is for a student organization, it may be submitted with student officer name and contact phone number, but must also include the signature and phone extension of the faculty/staff sponsor or advisor for that organization.
Dept: the department of the requesting Pepperdine faculty/staff employee. For student organization requests, this should be the department of the organization's faculty/staff sponsor or advisor.
Phone: the 4-digit Pepperdine campus extension of the requester. In some rare cases this could be the off-campus phone of a faculty/staff employee.
Output Desired (Mark ALL that apply): this section of the Form is used to specify what type(s) of output the requester wants to receive. At least one box must be marked in this section of the Form. More than one type of output may be requested, for example, the requester may want a list and labels or two lists of the same data in different sort sequences.
List: a printed report having one line per selected student with minimal information about each student. The standard list shows the student name, ID, class, majors and major concentrations.
Directory: a printed report having selected student information including one or more addresses and/or phone numbers for each student. The standard directory includes the student name, ID, majors, class, religious preference code, Pepperdine box address, Pepperdine box phone, local address, local phone, permanent address and permanent phone.
Acrobat File: an electronic version of a hard-copy list or directory that can be sent to the requester via MS-Mail. The requester uses the Acrobat Reader software to look at the report on a work-station screen and/or print any portion of the report as desired. When requesting an Acrobat file, a list and/or directory must also be requested.
Gummed Labels--Student: peel-off and stick-on white 4" x 1 1/2" labels printed on an impact (non-laser) printer. These are standard format labels displaying the student name and address of choice specified by the requester.
Gummed Labels--"Parents of": peel-off and stick-on white 4" x 1 1/2" labels printed on an impact (non-laser) printer. These are standard format labels containing the words "To the parents of:" above the student name and address of choice as specified by the requester.
Direct Address Print File: a specially prepared standard file of name and address information that the requester may submit to the Mail Room, along with appropriate paperwork, for direct address printing. If requested, a one-page printed (or Word 6.0 For Windows file) format document will be provided for inclusion in the paperwork supplied to the Mail Room.
SIS Mail Merge Address File: a standard file of student data specially prepared (field delimited) to be easily used as a mail merge data file in Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows. This standard file includes: the student name in <last name, first name, middle initial(s)/name(s)> format, first, middle, and last names separately, "Dear <first name>", Dear <last name>", ID, local address, permanent address, and billing address.
Custom Data File: a file of student data custom made according to the specifications requested. This type of output is typically used as input to specific mainframe or desktop workstation applications.
Record Selection Criteria (mark & specify all that apply): this section of the form is used to specify which students will appear on the requested output(s). The term and college boxes must always be marked, a term number specified, and a college specified; remaining boxes with corresponding specifications as appropriate are optional. Those students having SIS data matching all of the selected and specified criteria will appear on the resulting output(s). The selections listed are the most common selection criteria used and have been sufficient (excluding the "other" selection) for the majority of requests submitted in the past two years.
Term: the academic term having registered students desired in the output(s). The term box is pre-marked because a term must always be specified; the requester must enter the desired term(s) on the line provided. The term(s) specified may be any term(s) since (and including) 871. Processing of requests for future terms (terms whose classes have not started) that could include first term Pepperdine students may be processed to include only returning students; in this case the information for first term students may be provided by Admissions if available.
Cum/Pep GPA: if you want to include only students whose GPA is above or below a certain value, you need to mark this box and circle and/or cross out "Cum" and/or "Pep" to indicate whether you want to base the selection on the all-school or Pepperdine only GPA. For example, to base the selection on Pepperdine GPA, circle Pep and/or cross out Cum. In addition you must also provide a GPA value that is the upper or lower limit of those students you want to include; please indicate which type of limit you are specifying.
Units Completed: the number of units that is the minimum/maximum for students to be included in your output(s). You need to indicate whether the number you specify is to be considered a minimum or a maximum. For example, if you want all students who have completed 40 or fewer units you could specify "40 or less", "40 max", or "< 40". If you want students who have completed 30 or more units and 75 or fewer units you could specify "30 or more and 75 or less", "30 min and 75 max", or "30 < and < 75".
College (SVR/GSBM/GSEP/Law/SPP): the college(s) whose students you want included in the output(s). This box is pre-marked because one or more colleges must always be specified. Circle the abbreviation(s) for the college(s) you want included and/or cross out the abbreviation(s) for the college(s) you do not want included in your output(s).
Class(es): the academic class(es) (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) to be included. The abbreviations FR, SO, JR, SR may be used. Specify only if you do not want all undergrads included in the output.
Grad/Undergrad Only: used to limit the selected students to undergraduates or graduate students only. In addition to marking the box, circle "Grad" or "Undergrad" to indicate which of the two groups of students you want included and/or line-out "Grad" or "Undergrad" to indicate which of the two groups of students you do not want included in your output(s).
Potential Grads Only: mark this box if you want to include only those students who are candidates for graduation in the specified term. "Candidates for graduation" means students who have formally applied to graduate and who expect to meet the academic requirements for graduation by the completion of the term.
Major(s): the academic major(s) of students to be included. Please provide the official Pepperdine major code(s) for the major(s) you want to include in the output(s); failure to do so will cause a delay in processing you request.
Course/Subject IDs: the Pepperdine course number(s) or subject(s) whose students are to be included/excluded in the output(s). This is typically used to find students who are currently enrolled or have previously taken a certain course(es) or to identify students who have not taken a certain course(es).
Use the 7-digit course ID to specify particular courses, that is, don't include the section number; for example, specify CHEM120, not CHEM120.01 or CHEM120.02. A maximum of four course IDs may be specified.
The subject specification is the first four characters of the course ID. Using the subject ID is a short-cut for specifying every course ID in a subject. If you wanted to know all students enrolled/not-enrolled in any chemistry course, you would specify CHEM. A maximum of four subjects IDs may be specified.
When you mark the Course/Subject ID box and specify appropriate IDs, you need to provide one and possibly two other pieces of information so your request can be processed properly. First, you need to state whether you want to i