Mission Statement
Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. The mission of the Chaplain's Office supports the vocation of Pepperdine University by tending to matters of the heart and spirit, and providing resources that enable men and women to grow into a deeper spiritual maturity.
General Responsibilities
The office of the university chaplain exists primarily to provide pastoral care and serve as a spiritual resource to the University community. Therefore, the chaplain is a resource to departments and administration, faculty and students to address spiritual needs on both individual and institutional levels. In terms of pastoral care, the chaplain offers support, prayer, consolation, and spiritual guidance to administration, faculty, staff, and students. Situations that call for pastoral care and visitation can include personal illness, death or illness of a family member, and personal and family crises. To this end the chaplain works with the deans of each school of the University and other key administrators to identify needs and appropriate avenues for pastoral care. Because the Chaplain's Office serves the entire University it provides a tie that binds the community together that is central to the Christian mission of Pepperdine.
The chaplain will be involved in the planning and creation of opportunities for worship throughout the academic year. These services include special events or religious holidays such as Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter, and Thanksgiving, as well as the annual baccalaureate associated with commencement exercises. Special services such as characterized by the contemplative style of Taizé or featuring a small choir of students leading an evening vespers service are also features of worship in the Chapel. Services are ecumenical but will, when appropriate, reflect and support the heritage of the Church of Christ. A schedule of events for each year is posted on this website.