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Pepperdine University

Current Cycle

Reaffirmation 2031 Timeline Overview

The OIE is currently planning for the 2021-2031 reaffirmation cycle. Please continue to check this page for updates.

WSCUC Reaffirmation 2031 Timeline

Please see the timelines for previous years: 

Previous Accreditation Cycle

For Reaffirmation 2013-2021 materials, please visit the OIE's previous accreditation cycle.

Committee Meetings Minutes and Schedule

The next WSCUC Steering Committee meeting will be held in-person on December 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.

Year One 2022-2023

Committee Members

Meeting Minutes and Agenda

Year Two 2023-2024

Committee Members

Meeting Minutes and Agenda

Year Three 2024-2025

Committee Members

Meeting Minutes and Agenda

  • September 23, 2024
  • December 6, 2024
  • Spring 2025 (Several Meetings TBD)
  • Site Visit: March 19-21, 2025

WSCUC commended and recommended the following in their Commission Action Letter to Pepperdine on March 8, 2022.  


WSCUC commended Pepperdine for the following:

  1. Demonstrating a strong dedication to its mission and vision of community.
  2. Collaborating on program review processes through the Advancement of Student Learning Council and Office of Institutional Effectiveness to amplify the use of student learning outcomes to inform decision-making and improve student success.
  3. Shifting the culture of assessment to place a strong focus on strengthening student learning and enhancing curriculum.
  4. Developing visually engaging platforms and reports, such as data dashboards and flash reports that display relevant assessment and performance outcomes to monitor improvement of student learning and campus climate of different groups, which contributes to the goal of knowledge sharing.
  5. Providing strong financial leadership focused on looking forward strategically and innovatively.  
  6. Creating a financial planning process that is well-defined and structured but allows for agility as things change; is aligned with the mission of the institution; has a focus on revenue diversification; and provides support for allocating resources strategically.

WSCUC recommended that the University:

  1. Accelerate progress on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  With the participation of the full range of campus stakeholders, including the Board of Regents and senior leadership: a) create a clear, institution-wide definition of diversity, equity, and inclusion that is consistent with Pepperdine’s mission and purpose, and b) develop an integrated, actionable plan with accountability mechanisms and the appropriate allocation of resources to create a more inclusive environment for students, staff, and faculty that addresses equity and inclusion concerns identified by campus constituents.  (CFR 1.4, Equity and Inclusion Policy)
  2. Develop and codify a definition of shared governance that clarifies roles and responsibilities of the faculty and administration and explicitly incorporates the institution’s commitment to collaboration and communication:  a) create formalized institutional structures and procedures that reflect this definition; and b) ensure shared governance processes are clearly defined with appropriate timelines for stakeholders to provide input into decisions in which they have a direct and reasonable interest. (CFRs 3.7, 3.10)
  3. Develop clear purposes for knowledge sharing by identifying goals or lines of inquiry at the level of the institution and/or schools:  a) determine what knowledge will be shared, how it will be communicated, and for what purposes; and b) develop protocols to assess the effectiveness of this knowledge sharing and its intended purposes. (CFRs 1.2, 4.1, 4.3, 4.6)
  4. Address differently held conceptions of the purpose, value, and process of assessment at Pepperdine for student learning and success, including clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness vis-a-vis assessment coordination and training within and across academic units. (CFRs 2.4, 2.6, 2.10, 4.2)
  5. Coordinate assessment processes (Annual Student Achievement Reports, program reviews, assessment of program learning outcomes, and the institution’s educational research endeavors) and use the results of a more integrated approach for strategic budget and resource planning. (CFRs 4.1, 4.3, 4.4)