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Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLOs (program learning outcomes) are a comprehensive list of the most important knowledge, skills, and values students learn in their academic program. These can include institutional learning outcomes (ILOs), general education, and the WSCUC Five Core Competencies. In general, the outcomes should ask for higher levels of sophistication for senior-level undergraduate students and for graduate programs, and they should consider national disciplinary standards when available.

The WSCUC rubrics can be used to assess learning outcomes for clarity, quality, and comprehensiveness. Use these rubrics to create, revise, and enhance PLOs.

The following are a list of available PLOs at all five schools.



Seaver Undergraduate School


School of Public Policy 


Graduate School of Education and Psychology 



Caruso School of Law


Pepperdine Graziadio Business School 


Pepperdine Office of Student Affairs